The physical side of the triangle


Starting with what you can’t change


Whatever your soil is made of, that is what you have to deal with. Changing your soil type means buying a new farm or replacing the soil of your farm which is, of course, impossible. Knowing your soil type is extremely important for making the right decisions in improving its health.

Our physical assessment, combined with comprehensive plant and soil testing, gives insight into your soil structure characteristics.

Soil Matters Soil Structure

Seed and cover crops

Soil structure and soil health is heavily dependent on that which grows within it, with different plants taking and adding different nutrients.

Cover crops can improve soil health by increasing organic matter, fixing nitrogen, breaking up compact soil, outcompeting weeds and stopping fallow ground from eroding.

Once we have determined and agreed upon what your soil type's needs are, we will recommend and supply the best products for the job from our reputable NZ seed suppliers.

Cover Crops

Advice about crop and stock rotations

Different crops deplete or unlock different nutrients in the soil. Simply by rotating crops or cover crops, or putting stock in the most beneficial place, you can change the productivity of your farm. We work with your farming rotation to put cover crops in the rotation or simply add plant diversity in the paddock to give you more diverse pastures.

Cover Crops NZ

Contact us

For soil testing enquiries or other questions call us, send us an email or use our contact form via the button, below.